Sunday, June 8th 2025
Branches School
Lyman St Pittsfield, MA 01201
9:00am Start
Registration opens at 8AM
The 5k Walk/Run for Branches School of the Berkshires is hoping to raise much needed funds for the school to help purchase equipment and supplies for the students and faculty.
Shirts to the first 30 reigstered walkers/runners. Shirts available for sale also.
Branches School of the Berkshires is a recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit private school for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder currently accepting students between the ages of 3 - 16.
To use the evidence-based practice of Applied Behavior Analysis to teach new skills, decrease challenging behaviors, and promote an increase of independence to improve the overall quality of life for each and every one of our students.
To provide scientifically validated interventions for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder in order to enhance their quality of life, help them reach their full-potential, and become valuable members of society.