A 5 Mile running race to benefit: Project Cameron's Story
To support the bonding of parents with premature babies in NICU.
LOCATION: Glens Falls High School 10 Quade Street, Glens Falls, NY 12801 11:00 AM
REGISTRATION: $28.00 (Race day $35.00). Adirondack Runner Members: $23.00 including race day. Make checks payable to The Adirondack Runners. Mail to: Dee Endieveri, 11 Conor Dr. South Glens Falls, NY 12803. Go to adirondackrunners.org or zippyreg.com. All entries are non-refundable. In the event the race is canceled, your entry will defer to the following year
CHECK IN & RACE DAY REGISTRATION: 8:00 am to 10:30 am in GF High School Gymnasium
COURSE: 5 mile loop, fast course. Go to adkrunners.org for link to course
PERKS: Long sleeve shirts to first 300 entrants Snacks after the race!! Awesome volunteers!
INFORMATION: adkrunners.org or contact the Race Director: Kristina Hubert 518-821-5026
AWARDS: top 3 Male and Female, 10 year age groups, no duplicates, wheelchair top 3
Kids 12 & under fun run 7/8 of a mile. $5.00 entry donation fee. All proceeds for both events go to the GF Area Youth Center. All participants in the leap get a reflective zipper pull l!!!! (not tee shirts for this event). Thank you for your support. Registration is 8:00 to 9:30 am.
Shamroclk Garmin course map