MountainOne Steel Rail Races
Sunday, May 18,2025
Ashuwillticook Rail Trail Crane Ave Pittsfield
Event Website


Race Start Times:

  • 7:30 AM for the Marathon
  • 8:30 AM for the Half
  • 9:00 AM for the 8K

Registration Fees:

  • $105 (26.2)/$85 (Half)/$60 (8K) by January 1st, 2025
  • $110(26.2)/$90.00 (Half)/$65.00 (8K) from January 2nd thru March 1st
  • $125 (26.2)/$100.00 (Half)/$75.00 (8K) from March 2nd thru May 17th at 5:00 PM
  • There is an online processing fee. NO REFUNDS/DEFERMENTS

Race Courses:
All three race routes are out and back courses on the Ashuwillticook Rail Trail and all three races start and finish at the Crane Ave trail head. View Map

Race Perks:

  • Technical short sleeve shirt to the first 700 registered runners *sizes are NOT guarenteed 
  • Finisher medal.
  • One FREE Steel Rail Pale Ale from Berkshire Brewing Company at the race finish. (must have ID and be 21+)
  • Eastern State Provisions will be serving up their delicious hot pretzels and waffles for the post race celebration.
  • Post race party featuring music by The Housie Shakers
  • New England Photo Booth on site at the finish for runners to grab instant photos with friends and family to take home that day
  • Raffle and much more!
  • Benefits the Ashuwillticook Rail Trail & DCR


Prizes will be awarded for overall top 3 male and female in each race, and for top division finisher in each age category  (0-12, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+)

All detailed race information is available at

Transfers will be allowed until May 10th if there is room available in the selected race.  Transfer may be done in your registration portal.  No deferments, no refunds, no exceptions.  This pertains to race cancelations as well.  Extreme weather conditions and warnings will be considered in the decision of any race cancellations. 

Race clock and support ends at 1:30pm. Please be aware that support along the course will end in accordance to the end of the race. If your marathon is going to be over 6hours, you are responsible to plan to have support after course 6hrs ends; i.e. support and police will not be on the course starting at the marathon turn at 11:30 and comes down as the race  progresses. Please contact us with any questions.