THE TRAIL: Viewed by many as an exaggeration of the term. It is extremely rocky and a runner must expect to navigate over boulders, downed trees, gullies and hidden roots the entire distance. Contestants must be prepared to deal with any of the forest's natural barriers, such as bees, slippery rocks, porcupines, extreme lightning, the potential for black bear encounters, and anything else that can be found in the forests of the Catskills. There are numerous places where runners must climb hand over fist to scale a rise. Conversely, extremely steep downhill sections add not only challenge to the course, but also a high degree of unwelcome danger. There are sections of the course that travel along cliffs. If you're not careful, you could fall to your death. Very few runners go the distance without taking at least one painful spill. Most runners take many. Believe me, you're going to take a flop or two, or more. Bees!!! Occasionally, we run into lots of them. If you are allergic to bee stings, you must run with your own medication. Lightning!!! In 2008 we had severe electrical storms with 100 strikes per 15 minutes.
WAVES: You will be notified of your assigned wave and start time in mid-July. All waves will contain 15 participants and will start every 5 minutes between 9:00am and approximately 10:30am. This wave start is a mandate of the NYS DEC.
BUS: Bus fare before the race from the finish line to the start is $15.00 per runner. There will be no bus transportation back to the start after the race. ALL CARS GOING INTO NORTH LAKE WILL BE CHARGED THE DAY USE ENTRY FEE.
PETS: All pets must be on leash at all times, Proof of rabies vaccinations required to enter the park. It is probably best to leave the dogs at home.
VIRTUAL RUNNERS: Can run the actual Escarpment Trail Course anytime between Saturday, July 19th and Sunday, August 17th with the exception of the in-person race day. NO VIRTUAL RACERS ON THE TRAIL SUNDAY JULY 28th.
We kindly ask that you keep your footprint to a minimum. As always, pack out what you pack in. This virtual option will be totally self supported.
All who complete the course and submit their results receive full credit as an official race finish. Those who do so have their 2024 performance count towards the hundred mile club. Those who finish under 6 hours also earn their qualifier for the 2025 race.
Results submission information will appear in your confirmation email and on the event website. Please read all the information as to how to register, to upload your GPS data, or how to submit an unverified result. Note: Auto-pause features should be disabled on your GPS device in order to capture your entire activity.
All registration fees will go towards Escarpment Trail event maintenance.
All the best,
Dick Vincent
Escarpment Trail Run Founder/Director.